Trinidad Hand Cuffs and Island Chain

Trinidad has two terminals, a south terminal for GA and a north terminal for regular air traffic.  We were parked at the south terminal.  Last night it took us over two hours waiting at the south terminal before we were escorted to the north terminal to clear immigration and customs.  When we did this we specifically asked wether immigration and customs would be available today at the south terminal on our arrival.  We were told yes and even shown the roster.  Well guess what, when we arrive there was no bacon there, so we had to return to the north terminal.  This is when Peter has a strop and tries to get arrested by security.  I think telling security that if we have to come back here "we will not be friends" is probably not the best way to try and get through security.  I have to try and calm everything down.  The guard was telling us that immigration was at the south terminal and that we should proceed back there.

Back at the south terminal we find out that the guard was indeed right.  We pass through Port Health, immigration and customs and make it to our aircraft.  We are late but not dramatically, since we started earlier than planned.  Today we are heading north to Martinique and St Kitts.

Since we are heading north we have escaped the headwinds and on departure the weather is fine.  On route we pass Granada, which from the air seems to,have benefitted from its US invasion 20 years ago.  Further north we approach St Vincent and suddenly notice that the weather has dramatically deteriorated, this just seemed to happen suddenly.  The ATC controller warned us of storms ahead, we decided it would be wise to divert to St Vincent.  So we land at Argyll airport St Vincent and head to the departure lounge, this is a diversionary stop not an island visit.  

An hour later we request start up only to be told that we need to clear immigration and customs.  We try to explain that we do not need to do either since we had,remained airside, they were having none of it.  So having sat around for one hour doing nothing we know had to run around like bare assed flies to complete the paper work so that we could catch the good weather break.  Having done it with the help of an unpaid handler (who I tipped $20) we were able to start.  

Martinique was only one hour away and we made good progress, passing James and Sophie who were sunning themselves into St Lucia, on the way.  The view of the Pitons was phenomenal.  

Martinique dealt with us efficiently and all would have been good if it had not been for the fuel truck.  The fuel truck seemed to have some issue with our fuel release.  This took a phone call to WFS to sort out, which it duly was.  

So off to St Kitts via Dominica, Guadeloupe, Montserrat and Nevis.  At St Kitts we scare the ATC controller senseless when we announce that we are on short final, he appeared to have forgotten about us and had cleared a FedEx plane to land with us in the way.  Scare resolved we landed on the taxi way and headed to the apron.

St Kitts is a dream to land at, all the staff appear to know what they are doing and we breeze through CIQ.  Not only do we breeze through but the staff appear happy in themselves and in seeing us.  

Tonight we are staying at the Royal St Kitts, a hotel opposite the Marriott.  It is a nice place with a fabulous pool and well appointed rooms.  It is also used by US students who attend the local vet school.  After getting ready we walk to a beach bar / restaurant called Shiggidyshack.  I have been here before and it is a good local place on the beach.  

Short walk back to the Royal St Kitts and  a night cap!  Peter imbibes in some,rum and I have cerveza.  


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