Another Cave, Sunburn, and Bats
This morning I am out to catch some rays, sun rays that is, not stingrays. We are not due to visit Langans Cave until the afternoon. I am aware how hot,the,sun is and that I am only 4 degrees from the equator at the start of May. The sun is right overhead, so I only stay for a short time in the sun before moving under an umbrella. This was a good move but not checking the sun umbrella wasn't. The sun umbrella only had limited protection, it was not a sun block. I discovered this a couple of hours later. Still it is early and I haven't yet noticed the full extent yet. On the plus,side this morning the pool is fresh and a descent length to get small workout.
At lunchtime it is off to the Park to meet our guide today Joe. Of all the Caves so far it is Langans cave that I prefer. It maybe due to the darkness or because its medium proportions, it may be due the fact that you can wonder at the majesty of time. First the cave has be formed then the speleothems are generated. Here you can see the wonder of it all, millions of years of geology in the making. Our trip to and from the cave is via another longboat, this one a little sturdier than yesterday's.
After our jaunt to the cave it is time to make our way back to Deer Cave to see if we can catch the bats. Today is more promising, the rain appears to be holding off. Bats do not like rain, who would have thought it, but is is quite simple really, their,echo location does not function efficiently in the rain, and they would,get lost or just bump into things. We arrive at the cave at around 5 pm, where we bump it an American and New Zealander. At around 6:20 the bats start to awaken and exit the caves. It wasn't the spectacle that I was hoping for, 3 million bats streaming,out in one go, making a diversionary circle to confuse the eagles and then going on there way. It was more a case of groups of bats streaming out and spiralling in line towards their destination or favourite hunting ground. Nonetheless it was still a sight worth waiting for. The bat exodus from the bat cave ticked off we make the track back 3 km in the dark to the Café hut just,outside of the park. With us our is the American, New Zealander, Nina and Simon from the previous night, an English girl and Swedish girl. The English girl and Swedish girl had only just met at the airport and were sharing lodgings (I reckon the next day that all was not well since they are no longer seen together).
After dinner of chicken curry, chicken on the bone with almost zero meat (oh why do they bother with the chicken as you hardly get any meat), we head back to the Marriott where I meet our friendly bartender Bibi and play Congklak, a game I have played before in Jersey, only it seems slightly different, I will have to check what rules we played by in Jersey.
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