Chittagong Pronounced with a 'SH'

We lift out of Dhaka fairly swiftly flying out over the city at 400ft (not above 500).  This give us a chance for some amazing views below.  It is nor often we get to fly over such densely populated areas at such a low altitude. 

Outside of Dhaka we pass over rice fields towards Chittagong, which is pronounced with an SH

Chittagong is really a smaller version of Dhaka.  We have an uneventful time here as it is purely a transit and  which is members stop.  we stayed at the Boat Club which was a pleasant stay.  On arrival \I visited the bar, which is members only.  The staff here are a little grumpy but do their jobs.  This is probably one of the few nice areas in a Bnagla city. 


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