Having been the last man standing last night I awaken with  a bit of a sore head, but not too bad.  Breakfast was two perk sausages and a four slices of bacon, again this is an army bonus in a Sharia state.  Some say that sharia law has been imposed by the sultan so that when the crown prince succeeds he can repeal it and boost his popularity.  It is a cynical view but I can well believe it.  

This morning we have an interview with the British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS).  Lisa Davis is our interviewer.  Before we start she explains how it will pan out then she gets on with it.  As soon as she starts I have stop myself fall laughing as her demeanour and voice completely changes into some interviewer mode.  The recording and filming goes well and we are finished in around one hour.  

The rest of the day is generally ours and we clean the helicopter, and watch the boys and girls carry out winch training.   The training looked quite fun and I was keen to have a go myself.  

It was today that I had a slight accident, twisting my left ankle jumping a ditch onto some waterlogged grass.  I am hoping that it only a small sprain, but I have had to take some anti inflammatories and painkillers.  

The evening finishes off with dinner in the officers mess.  


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