Called back by the Handler.

The weather as predicted does not look great today and we wait till 10:30 to make a go, no decision.  We decide to go!  So it is going to cost us another ¥15,000 to get to the airport!  Once there we met with Pan and set off.  All good.  10 minutes into the flight tower says that our handlers have requested us to return to the tower, why we ask, the tower does not know.

So we head back, I get out and talk to Pan, he tells me the operations team are concerned about the weather in RJCC, our destination.  I tell him so am I and that is why we need to be on our way in order to get the good weather when it arrives.  They aer still not happy and it looks as if someone has hijacked the tower ATC as they will no longer give us clearance.  What has happened to pilot discretion and the Pilot being the one in control and responsible for flight decisions!

We trundle back to the airport and arrange passes for tomorrow and possible Monday as Pan will not be here.  By the time we have finished and had a cup of tea we would have been arriving at RJCC.  We check the weather at RJCC and guess what it is VFR and we could have made it in! 😡

This has made us later for Russia!  In Japan all our delays have been due to the handlers! They do not understand GA Helicopter operations!

So another ¥15,000 and we are back at the hotel and grab some food from the supermarket.  I will have a pizza at my usual private dining restaurant followed by a beer at the Rush Bar, Peter is going to eat in his room with food from the super market.

Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow, but we are not hopeful, our plan is too try and double hope to Russia tomorrow and get back on schedule or double hop in Monday and be a day late.  Monday looks like the more probable.


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