Could I seriously be thinking about getting back into the aircraft ownership game again?

The urge is rearing its head again, aviation is an insatiable drug!  Over the last few days my mind gas been buzzing with thoughts of flying and how to make it pleasurable in this pleasant land set to the west of Europe.

Ownership is high on my thoughts; a helicopter, which would be VFR friendly and suitable for short hops around England, or maybe a fixed wing to adventure around Europe.  Of course the R44 is an obvious helicopter choice, but maybe the forthcoming Bell could be an option.  Currently the fixed wing options of a Cessna TT ( the old Columbia 400) or the Cirrus SR22T appeal more.  But is IFR flying in Europe a real option for a general aviation enthusiast?

Could the aircraft generate any income through rental or training?

Some thoughts for a future date.


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