Our Last Leg!

Today is our last leg home.  122 days on the road.  We have planed to arrive at Booker for 10am so we set off from Sywell just after 9-ish.  The Wx isn't great, typical we must be back in the UK!  Peter flies the last leg home and we make a little detour past my brothers house.  Dodging a few clouds and keeping the ground beneath us in sight we fly over familiar territory.  Booker comes into view, the end is in sight and brings with it mixed emotions.

To the left of the field, the Motorway end we see a gathering of people, it looks as if my family and friends have turn out to greet us.  There is a hand made welcome sign and other banners welcoming us back.

We make a couple of loops around the airfield a set DIGA down near our welcome party.  Rotors stopped we jump out and I am greeted by a beaming Maria.  We hug and kiss before I hug Mum and greet the rest of the family and Fiends.  It is a little bit of a teary reunion.

After a few pictures Peter and I empty the Helicopter of our belongings with the help of family etc., place them in our cars and I head of the Cafe with the greeting party for a well earned cuppa.

One thing that does seem to be missing is the publicity, no one turned up; well actually there was on person and she interviewed us at the aero club (upstairs) by ourselves.  This is a bit disappointing and makes me wonder why we really delayed in Sywell.

In the Cafe Maria gives me some surprising news.  Peter was on the radio this morning with the BBC Chiltern.  I knew nothing about it, and Peter did not tell me, I am beginning to see a big picture here!  It all seems to be about PW!

Well I have donated enough to the cause and on this news will not be making any further cash donations via Three Journeys Round.

After a few hours Maria drives me home ato say hi to the two dogs and cat, I have really missed them.

Dinner is at an Indian Restaurant near Gemma's and Johns house and most of the Family attend.

It is truly good to be back.


PW really pisses me off again:  this time he makes a public thank you to the guys at GASE via the TJR facebook page, specifically omitting me and stating that it is from himself.  After sending all previous thank you posts as joint message, why change now!  Do I need to remind him and GASE that it was me that sung there praise throughout the world and specifically at AOPA US, while PW never mentioned them in any interviews on our travels!

On well lets not end on a negative.

It was a truly awesome trip and we did it together!


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