Is this Really the Land of Singha, Kingfisher and Cobra
Woke up at 6am to cattle pass by outside my window amidst the hassle and bustle of beeping cars and bikes. Breakfast was set for 7am. Managed with an omelette some toast and a cup of tea.
At the airport we cleared security at a pace after our short hop in the hotel transport. Finalised how we were to pay (handling fees through Bobby and airport fees of $145 in cash). We also sorted out fuel at our next stop of Indore.
We were directed to RWY 23. Via L1 ,A, B and cleared for an early left turn, climb to 2000 and direct to BODAR and IID as filed ( this is exactly as we filed but then changed by the handlers, maybe this clearance was given due to us being cleared SVFR).
Our visibility was over 3000m and improving as we fly from Ahmedabad. As we lift from the runway we passed over a small shanty dwelling as we turned left. Further out the ground below us was arable farm land with a scattering of cattle. You could see large holes by each house, their wells for water. When you could see into the wells the water did not look apertizing. The land was generally flat enroute to Indore with a few hills toward the last third of our route. As we approached Indore the land came up,to meet us slowly. Here in India, the burn the wheat stubble, which could be a reason for,the smoke in the sky and the lack of visibility.
At Indore we gave way for an airbus departing from RWY 25 and made our approach. On the ground we refuelled and we're told that we could not land at Raipur until 12:00z. So now we have to wait for 2+ hours. In the new airport building w
E sip coke, lattes and type our diaries. During this lull we witness a family dispute (two men and two women). The largesse of the building makes the dispute sound louder than it probably really was.
Finally off the Raipur. Enroute ATC barrage us with calls and position reports, clearly they do not have radar. Again the ground below us is farmed. We also pas over some small hills but mainly it is flat.
To reach the airport we have to fly over the city, this gives us a chance to see the size. We make it on the ground with out 45 minutes of light remaining. A Bell 206 follows in behind us. Later this pilot would me on my cell phone and try to arrange a meeting, but unfortunately we are unable to accept.
We have booked into the Hyatt, and again we find out that we are in a dry city or state so again no beers. Next to the Hotel there is a mall. I pop in to get a McDonalds but am again thwarted, I am in India where the cow is sacred, so there are no burgers! So I just have fries.
Dinner was another chicken tikka and rice with nan, the staff seem amused that I have rice and nan with a dry dish.
Oh well, may be Calcutta will have beer, because I understand that Dhaka, Chittagong and probably Rangoon do not!
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